Back to list Jan 29, 2024
On March 25-27 will take place in Bologna the ABCD-SIBBM joint PhD meeting, organized by PhD students for PhD students.
This 3-day meeting brings together PhD students working in the cellular and molecular biology research field, offering them the opportunity to discuss their science both with renowned scientists in the field and young researchers, thus allowing them to collect useful feedback on their research, critically discuss their results and their ideas, in a friendly and informal environment.
This year event is organized by a 4-group leaders committee -constituted by Sirio Dupont, University of Padua; Giulia Piaggio, regina Elena National cancer institute; Michela Denti, University of Trento; Alessandro Fiorenzano, IGB-CNR- and a 4-PhD students committee -constituted by Margherita Ferretti, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute; Erica Mina, University of Turin; Gianluca Petrillo, University of Naples Federico II; Elena Poggio, University of Padua.
The meeting will include two keynote lectures -by Sara Mainardi, Netherlands Cancer Institute, and Shukry James Habib, University of Lausanne-, poster sessions and technical talks. Furthermore, the best oral presentation and the best poster will be selected to receive the “Luca Daveggio” award.
Registration and abstract submission deadline is on February 16th, travel grants for selected participants and discounts for ABCD/SIBBM members are available, so hurry up! Don’t miss this year event!