Call for Abstracts for the 5th ACC Annual Meeting

Call for Abstracts

Deadline October 9th, 2020; NO SUBMISSION FEE

We are pleased to invite colleagues from any Italian Institution to submit abstracts on one of the topics of the three scientific sessions. The best contributions will be selected for the Plenary Talks or as Oral Presentations during the Poster Session.
All abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of the Meeting.

Submit your abstract by e-mail to: [email protected]


Instructions for Abstract Preparation

  • Title 
    Should be less than 120 characters including spaces.
  • Authors
    Affiliated institutions should be specified by superscript numbers. Presenting author should be underlined.
  • Text
    Should provide a general introduction to the topic, the objectives of your study, a brief summary of main results and their implications (max 300 words).
  • Topic
    Select one of the topics of the three Scientific Sessions of the Meeting (see above).